Story Suggestions
Here is where suggestions for the story, including timeline era, factions, and other important factors of the swtfw site. While we encourage suggestions very much, we also don't want this section spammed with pointless suggestions that are outlandish. These guidelines can help you make plausible guidelines that the staff and I would take into consideration.
1: Don't fill this forum with suggestions that are pointless, such as giving a member site control or changing the genre and universe the story is set in. If you don't like Star Wars, this site is not for you.
2: When making a suggestion, don't constantly hound us or bother us to make the change. One opinion is not enough. Constantly bugging us or other members for your idea can result in a 24 hour ban. No one likes being bothered by someone who wants to feel like a king.
3: Be considerate of others' creativity. Don't tell someone their idea is dumb or troll them because you think your idea is better. Trolling is not allowed on the site and is considered extremely cruel. This could result in a 24 hour ban as well. Please be considerate.
These are the three rules. Please obey them and have as much fun as possible. :D